Artificial Intelligence na TCC 2018

Artificial Intelligence

V rámci letního setkání Technical Computing Camp 2018 v Brně (6.-7.9.2018) vystoupí Gareth Thomas, specialista z firmy MathWorks, s přednáškou:

Are You Ready for AI? Is AI Ready for You?

AI, or artificial intelligence, is powering a massive shift in the roles that computers play in our personal and professional lives. Most technical organizations expect to gain or strengthen their competitive advantage through the use of AI. But are you in a position to fulfill that expectation, to transform your research, your products, or your business using AI?

Gareth Thomas looks at the techniques that compose AI (deep learning, computer vision, robotics, and more), enabling you to identify opportunities to leverage it in your work. You will also learn how MATLAB® and Simulink® are giving engineers and scientists AI capabilities that were previously available only to highly-specialized software developers and data scientists.

Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

Celý program setkání Technical Computing Camp 2018 je zde. Účast na akci je zdarma, registrace účastníků spuštěna :-)

Jaroslav Jirkovský (HUMUSOFT), 14.6.2018
