Technical Computing Prague 2015 Archive

Lectures by HUMUSOFT


Analysis and processing signals in MATLAB Implementation of algorithms to target platform

Computer vision in MATLAB

Jaroslav Jirkovský



Pavel Ludvík, Karel Bittner

Case study of licensing model for MATLAB & Simulink

Martin Foltin

What you could've seen in the showcase

Humusoft team

Lectures by users

Design Tool SW pro návrh a analýzu oběžných lopatek parních turbín


The design of modern steam turbine blades is a computationally complex task in the field of statics and dynamics, requiring the use of finite element method (FEM). In the MATLAB environment a software has been developed to facilitate the creation of designs and FEM models of various types of turbine blades, as well as the execution and subsequent evaluation of the corresponding models. Overall, this software handles most of the routine work and significantly accelerates the turbine blade design process.

MATLAB as a supporting tool in the development of a commercial simulation tool

Jaromír Kabeláč (Hypatia Solutions s.r.o.)

The development of a finite element system for commercial software for strength calculations in the construction industry is a very specific area. MATLAB is used as a supporting tool in most phases of the development cycle of this system. Using specific examples, it will be shown how MATLAB significantly speeds up individual phases, especially in the development of the numerical method itself, its coding, revival and subsequent testing, including visualization of the results.

Road cylinder energy recovery simulation solution

Zdeněk Němec (Ústav automatizace a informatiky FSI VUT Brno)

The role of modelling in the development of road roller recuperation equipment. Conversion of kinetic energy to pressure energy during stopping and utilization of stored energy during start-up. Selected simulations were compared with measured processes to verify the device model.

Optical tweezers and Comsol: laser scattering on nano- and micro-particles

Martin Šiler (Ústav přístrojové techniky AV ČR, v.v.i.)

Scattering of plane wave and strongly focused laser on micro- and nano-particles of different shapes. Calculation of the optical power using stress tensor integration. Comparison of the calculation in Comsol with other numerical methods. Multiphysics modelling: heating and flow generation. Changes in workflow from Comsol 3.5 to 5.1.

Solving practical problems using bio-inspired computational methods in MATLAB

Ivan Sekaj (Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky, Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave)
