Job exchange

Use your skills of MATLAB & Simulink, COMSOL and dSPACE in your new job.

This information portal is operated by HUMUSOFT s.r.o. as a service to its customers.

Our Job Exchange is designed to provide job opportunities in organizations looking for employees with knowledge of MATLAB and Simulink, COMSOL Multiphysics and dSPACE. This is a free information service only, please direct all communication regarding specific job openings directly to the advertising companies.

The portal is moderated, all advertisements are edited by us. The portal allows only direct advertising, it is not intended for recruitment agencies. HUMUSOFT s.r.o. does not guarantee the content and timeliness of the published advertisements.

Published job offers:

Position: Specialista-ka – Řídicí systémy

Company: ČVUT - Univerzitní centrum energeticky efektivních budov

Place of work: Buštěhrad

Inserted: 24.6.2024

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Position: Software developer pre oblasť automotive (C / MATLAB Simulink)

Company: Schaeffler Kysuce spol s.r.o.

Place of work: Kysucké Nové Mesto, Slovensko

Inserted: 20.6.2024

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Position: Simulačný inžinier pre oblasť E-mobility

Company: Schaeffler Kysuce spol s.r.o.

Place of work: Kysucké Nové Mesto, Slovensko

Inserted: 18.6.2024

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Position: Skúšobný inžinier pre oblasť eMobility

Company: Schaeffler Kysuce spol s.r.o.

Place of work: Kysucké Nové Mesto, Slovensko

Inserted: 18.6.2024

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Position: Systémový inžinier pre oblasť elektro/hybridných pohonov

Company: Schaeffler Kysuce spol s.r.o.

Place of work: Kysucké Nové Mesto, Slovensko

Inserted: 18.6.2024

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Position: Vývojový inžinier pre výkonovú elektroniku

Company: Schaeffler Kysuce spol s.r.o.

Place of work: Kysucké Nové Mesto, Slovensko

Inserted: 18.6.2024

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Position: Prodejce Technického Software MATLAB

Company: Humusoft s.r.o.

Place of work: Praha

Inserted: 3.6.2024

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Position: Vývojový inženýr pro elektromotory (ž/m)

Company: Festool s.r.o.

Place of work: Česká Lípa, Liberec

Inserted: 24.4.2024

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Position: Aplikační inženýr - student

Company: Honeywell International s.r.o.

Place of work: Brno

Inserted: 18.4.2024

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Position: Vývojový pracovník vozidlové části evropského vlakového zabezpečovače

Company: AŽD Praha s.r.o.

Place of work: Brno - Křižíkova

Inserted: 23.2.2024

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Position: Anténní technik

Company: ELDIS Pardubice, s.r.o.

Place of work: Pardubice

Inserted: 5.2.2024

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Position: Lead Electronics Engineer

Company: Eaton Innovation Center

Place of work: Roztoky

Inserted: 2.2.2024

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Position: Senior Engineer - Embedded Software Test Framework

Company: Eaton Innovation Center

Place of work: Prague, Innovation Centre

Inserted: 2.2.2024

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Position: Designer vysokofrekvenčních obvodů

Company: ELDIS Pardubice, s.r.o.

Place of work: Pardubice

Inserted: 2.2.2024

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Company: ELDIS Pardubice, s.r.o.

Place of work: Pardubice

Inserted: 2.2.2024

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Position: Pracovník podpory vývoje - měření antén

Company: ELDIS Pardubice, s.r.o.

Place of work: Pardubice

Inserted: 2.2.2024

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Position: Aplikační inženýr – SW pro železniční stavitelství

Company: Amberg Engineering Brno a.s.

Place of work: Brno

Inserted: 31.1.2024

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Position: Automation Engineer/Tool Developer - HIL dSPACE


Place of work: Praha, Česká republika

Inserted: 31.1.2024

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Position: Software Architect


Place of work: Praha, Česká republika

Inserted: 31.1.2024

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Position: Model-Based Software Developer

Company: Porsche Engineering Services, s.r.o.

Place of work: Praha nebo Ostrava

Inserted: 31.1.2024

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Position: Vědecký a výzkumný pracovník – Datový vědec

Company: Výzkumný a zkušební ústav Plzeň s.r.o.

Place of work: Plzeň

Inserted: 31.1.2024

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Position: Vedoucí odboru Matematické modelování

Company: Výzkumný a zkušební ústav Plzeň s.r.o.

Place of work: Plzeň

Inserted: 31.1.2024

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Position: Development Engineer - Cooling for E-powertrain

Company: Garrett Motion

Place of work: Brno

Inserted: 9.1.2024

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Position: Vývojový pracovník

Company: Elektrotechnika, a.s.

Place of work: Praha

Inserted: 10.10.2023

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Position: Software Engineer (Simulace a Modelování)

Company: Digiteq Automotive s.r.o.

Place of work: Praha-Braník, Mladá Boleslav, Plzeň

Inserted: 6.3.2023

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