University-Wide MATLAB License: Campus-Wide Suite

MATLAB accessible to everyone, anywhere.

What is MATLAB?

MATLAB is an engineering tool for technical calculations and simulations that has found application in teaching, research and project-based education at more than 5,000 universities around the world.

7 Reasons to Use MATLAB in Education, Engineering, and Science

A simple and clear university-wide license

Campus-Wide Suite fact sheet

A university-wide license is a competitive advantage

Hundreds of universities using MATLAB have switched to the Campus-Wide Suite license model. Among them are 24 of the 25 best-rated technical universities in the world and 21 universities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In the Czech Republic, 1 research institution already has a Institute-Wide license:

Česká republika

Slovenská republika

"Možno si študenti položia otázku: prečo sa mám učiť pracovať s MATLAB-om? Pretože jeho znalosť zvyšuje šance na trhu práce a prispieva k lepšiemu uplatneniu. Znalosť MATLABu môže pomôcť pri rozbehu vlastného podnikania."

Karol Matiaško, vice-rector of UNIZA

Karol Matiaško, vice-rector of UNIZA

"MATLAB je pre technickú univerzitu priam životne dôležitý. Vo svete, ale aj na Slovensku existujú technické povolania, kde je jeho znalosť podmienkou. Pre nás zamestnancov to znamená, že máme prístup k špičkovému softvéru a vieme si naše nápady rýchlo overiť. Tým sa zefektívni náš výskum a samozrejme aj pedagogika. Pre študentov to znamená, že môžu tento špičkový vývojový nástroj používať v rámci záverečných prác a to, čo sa naučili na prednáškach si rýchlo overiť."

František Duchoň, National Robotics Center, FEI STU

František Duchoň, National Robotics Center, FEI STU

"We can engage students in leading-edge research. The tools enable the research group and the student—including biology majors and engineers—to focus on research and spend less time programming."

Dr. Gil Alterovitz, MIT and Harvard University

Work on interdisciplinary projects

The university-wide access to MATLAB provides a common platform for teaching, research and student projects across all areas of engineering, life and social sciences and finance.

"Our students can do both modeling and analysis, and then develop an embedded controller without switching software platforms. That is invaluable."

Dr. Joel Anstrom, Penn State University

Prepare your students for practice

Programming in MATLAB and designing embedded systems using Simulink gives students practical experience and skills that are highly valued in industry. On LinkedIn, it is the most frequently mentioned skill of graduates from MIT and other highly ranked technical schools.

"If you want to work at Google, make sure you can use MATLAB."

Jonathan Rosenberg, Google

Create a scalable computing infrastructure

With the Campus-Wide Suite license, everyone at the institution can access the same software tools, even if they are not connected to a network or taking courses remotely.

"Students have the flexibility of working where and when they choose in addition to lowering the demand and cost of supporting public labs."

Dean Mark Kushner and Chris McCoy, Iowa State University

matlab infrastructure

Collaboration and support

Information for IT management

Self-service tools for users

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How do I know if my university has a Campus-Wide license?

The list of Czech and Slovak universities that have a Campus-Wide license, including links to their MATLAB portals, is in the section "A University-wide license is a competitive advantage". If you are a student of a university located outside the Czech Republic and Slovakia, you can find out whether the given university has a Campus-Wide license, on MathWorks's website.

How do I install and activate a Campus-Wide license on my computer?

Instructions for individual installation and license activation in Czech or English can usually be found on the relevant page of your university, instructions in English are available on the website MathWorks website.

How do I access MATLAB online courses that are in the Campus-Wide license?

Online courses in the Campus-Wide license are accessible to all students and employees of the university through the MATLAB Portal of the university. The list of MATLAB portals of all Czech and Slovak universities is available "A University-wide license is a competitive advantage".

I am using an individual Campus-Wide license. Now, after starting MATLAB, I am getting a license expiration message. What should I do?

expiration notice on command window

It is necessary to update the license file using the activation client. You start the activation client as follows: Help Menu -> Licensing -> Activate Software

activate matlab software

If the license file has already expired, the activation client will start the next time you start MATLAB.
Detailed instructions can be found on the MathWorks website or in a short video.
